Archinect - Design Haus 2024-06-03T01:21:51-04:00 Design for Thought Designhaus Architecture 2016-12-21T15:44:57-05:00 >2019-04-21T09:20:47-04:00 <p>Dining out is an old time social tradition that has yet to lose its charm. The notion of having someone cook and serve you food will never die.&nbsp; That, while enjoying a meal among your friends and family in a space purely designed for your comfort and enjoyment is hard to duplicate. The entrees and drinks may be what bring new customers to the restaurant, but the design is what brings patrons back.&nbsp;<img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p>Developing a restaurant for the public strictly just to eat doesn't exist anymore. When we go out to eat, we want to have the best dining experience possible. That includes everything from the angle of a ceiling fan to the color of the tile floor. We all want to eat enticing meals at a restaurant that looks exotic or abstract so that we can tell all our friends to go to that same spot. It's a social thing. Look around when eating next time and you'll notice everyone taking pictures of their food and the environment that surrounds them. Social media has allowed diners to share their experie...</p> Home Architecture Designhaus Architecture 2016-12-05T14:32:11-05:00 >2021-10-12T01:42:58-04:00 <p>So you&rsquo;re planning on buying a new house. It&rsquo;s a big step and a decision that requires a lot of thinking and also research. You have to know what kind of style you like and want for you and/or your family. To some, and rather most of us, it&rsquo;s hard to distinguish the different types of architectural styles. While they may all look the same, there&rsquo;s actually quite a significant difference in the types of houses you may be looking at. Here are some styles to consider when you&rsquo;re house hunting.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>CAPE COD</strong></p><p>This kind style first originated in the 17th century in New England. You can tell the style of this type of house by its steep roof and low frame building. The house usually is only two stories high, with a recognizable large chimney. The windows are also on each side of the door. These kinds of houses are less expensive&nbsp;but can be a stretch for those with large families.&nbsp;</p><p><img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>VICTORIAN</strong></p><p>Victorian, or &ldquo;Queen Anne&rdquo; houses, became popular in the 21st century. The homes are typically very old, wi...</p> Future of Sports Architecture Designhaus Architecture 2016-10-24T14:21:01-04:00 >2019-04-21T04:27:48-04:00 <p><img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p>When you think of architecture, the first thing that comes to mind for most people is the enormous skyscrapers they see downtown on their way to work.&nbsp; The huge buildings with windows glaring in your eyes scream great architecture at you. Some may think of luxurious homes that feature some great architectural features. However, have you ever stopped to think how far and how advanced those sports stadiums have now become? Architecture has dived deep into the world of sports, presenting cities with jaw opening stadium designs that present itself with advanced technologies.</p><p>Take a look at San Francisco&rsquo;s 49ers Levi&rsquo;s Stadium, built in 2014. It&rsquo;s basically a smart stadium. About 70,000 fans can pack into the arena and connect to Wi-Fi and 4G networks while enjoying the game. There&rsquo;s an app to go along with the stadium that lets fans do multiple things, including knowing where the closest bathroom is and how long the wait is. Want food but don&rsquo;t want to leave your seat? No problem, as the...</p> Summer Look Designhaus Architecture 2016-06-08T10:01:50-04:00 >2021-10-16T09:46:08-04:00 <p><strong>Summer Look</strong></p><p>With summer here, it always good to make sure you keep your patio updated with seasonal touches. Here are some ways of giving your backyard and patio that summer look.</p><p><strong><em>Dash of Color</em></strong></p><p>Summer is all about bright colors. Try adding some colors that will make your patio pop in a subtle, yet loud way. The loud colors will help bring the summer ambiance.<img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p><strong><em>Plants and Plants</em></strong></p><p>Warm weather means more gardening. Adding some extra flowers to your garden will make you feel good and also bring more &lsquo;green&rsquo; to your home. Helping the environment and decorating your house never felt so good.</p><p><strong><em>Patio Padding</em></strong></p><p>If you&rsquo;re having a lot of company over numerous times, it would be wise to add a tasteful rug to walk on. It&rsquo;s just easier and enjoyable to walk outside on some comfortable flooring rather than the rugged patio. It&rsquo;s comfortable and simple.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</p><p><img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p><strong><em>Personalized Lighting</em></strong></p><p>Having parties that burn past the midnight hour allows you to showcase your lighting, so why not make it elegant? Have some fancy light...</p> Is a Self-Storage Unit worth it? Designhaus Architecture 2016-05-05T14:55:46-04:00 >2020-11-25T12:31:04-05:00 <p><strong><em>Thinking About a Self- Storage Unit?</em></strong></p><p>Self-storage facilities offer a decent amount of benefits when you are looking ways to save space in your home or property.&nbsp; It ultimately can come down to the cost when deciding if you want to consider owning a self-storage. We provide you with a list of benefits when considering a storage facility<img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p><strong>Seasonal Items</strong></p><p>The storages can be good for packing away seasonal gear. If your living in a small apartment and limited to space, consider putting away your winter clothes for the summer and vice versa for winter.</p><p><strong>Valuable Items</strong></p><p>Items that are valuable and important to you can be kept in self-storage. If you don&rsquo;t want to lose or damage any of these items, the units are the best to make sure that doesn&rsquo;t happen.</p><p><strong>Inventory for Business</strong></p><p>If you&rsquo;re running your own business with a limited amount of space, it would be wise to have a self-storage that would help accommodate all your office supplies.<img title="" alt="" src=""></p><p><strong>Emotional Attachment</strong></p><p>For some of us, it&rsquo;s hard to let go of that on...</p> Would You Live in a Container Home? Designhaus Architecture 2016-04-04T13:38:02-04:00 >2023-03-16T13:01:08-04:00 <p>It&rsquo;s hard to believe how far the developments in family homes have come. While many may think that having the bigger and better home designs is the best way to go, that simply can&rsquo;t be said in today. The shipping container started out as a small side idea, but now has taken the housing community by storm. It&rsquo;s a unique and unlikely way of living, but it&rsquo;s proven to have a lot of benefits.&nbsp;</p><p><img alt="Designhaus Shipping Container Home" src=""></p><p>These distinctive homes are exactly what you picture them to be from the beginning; dirty big hunks of steel sitting in the shipyards. Yet what they eventually become is an incredible home that can be affordable for almost anyone. These houses are 10 to 15 percent cheaper, their fire resistant, sturdier, and last longer than traditional homes. And what&rsquo;s great about them is that they are moveable if need be.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>While there are benefits to living in these containers, many may still oppose such kinds of homes due to the industrial kind of feel with the dents and scratches attributed from being used over...</p> Barndominiums Designhaus Architecture 2016-03-23T10:57:35-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>With the "Tiny House" and "Shipping Container House" trends on the rise, it's a strange evolution that living in a big, open barn is also a trending concept known as the "Barndominium". It's not only fun to say, but converting an old barn into a fun living/dining space brings a whole new aspect of life to the suburbs and rural areas.</p><p><img alt="Barndominium Designhaus" src=""></p><p>&nbsp;"Casual, low&nbsp;maintenance&nbsp;and always ready for an&nbsp;impromptu gathering," explains architect Peter Stuhlreyer of Designhaus. &nbsp;"What we have found, as designers of many&nbsp;barndominiums, is that the client is far more relaxed about design decisions and material choices, so the projects are really organic, spontaneous and enjoyable."</p><p><img alt="Barndominium Designhaus" src=""></p><p><img alt="Barndominium Designhaus" src=""></p><p>A barndominium in Lexington, KY was designed to be converted into a four-horse stable. However, the original owners used the space for parties. To maintain the intrinsic value of the post and beam structure, we had to consider the future use. The point is, is that the barndominium is not always the last use of the barn...sometimes i...</p> Inside-Out Designhaus Architecture 2016-03-07T10:42:38-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Spring is here. &nbsp;It&rsquo;s time to start dreaming about how to enjoy the outdoors again. &nbsp;Turns out, at least according to the home building industry insiders that I know, enjoying the outdoors is now top priority in custom home designs. &nbsp;Specifically, a room that is both indoor and outdoor. &nbsp;I am not talking about the traditional porch or back deck; I mean a real multi-function space that has the best of both worlds. &nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Here are the top five design items to incorporate when planning your "outdoor room":&nbsp;</p><p>1. Proportion: Make sure the room is large enough in both length and width to accommodate a breezy and rainy day. &nbsp;We don't design these rooms for extremes, but if the room is smaller than 8 feet along an open edge, more than likely, rain will blow onto the finger sandwich tray and really spoil the party. &nbsp;Fixing the rain issue on a small lanai starts with screens, which leads to vinyl sheet, which lead to windows...and now you are back to square one. &nbsp;I recommend a usable space of at lea...</p> 11 Fast and Easy Ways to Make Your Building More Attractive Designhaus Architecture 2016-02-29T15:39:00-05:00 >2018-07-25T02:46:04-04:00 <p><strong>1. SIMPLIFY THE LANDSCAPE</strong></p><p>Limb up, cut down, and remove. Just because its green doesn&rsquo;t mean it helps.&nbsp; Clean, straight forward and low maintenance looks organized and easy to approach.</p><p><strong>2. PAINT</strong></p><p>Technology has come a long way with coatings, and for the dollar, paint is the fastest and cheapest way.&nbsp; Don&rsquo;t take risks, take a digital picture to a local graphic artist or architect to come up with a few virtual schemes. Keep it classic and timeless, but avoid copping out with beige.&nbsp; Look at your adjacent buildings and be careful not to copy, but make a bold change and passersby will double take as if you just built a new building.</p><p><strong>3. WASH THE FACADE WITH LIGHT AT NIGHT</strong></p><p>Don&rsquo;t be too delicate with this, show that your building is always alive and secure, even if the businesses are not open as late as the lights are on.&nbsp; 12V and solar&nbsp; systems won&rsquo;t cut it, but with LED technology, ongoing cost is minimal.</p><p><strong>4. THE ADDRESS NUMBERS</strong></p><p>Don&rsquo;t overdo this, but the right address number size and font can m...</p> Design vs. Undesign Designhaus Architecture 2016-02-26T14:06:25-05:00 >2016-03-01T01:40:47-05:00 <p>Design is not a straight path.&nbsp; In fact, the richness of a tapestry depends on a complex and unique set of threads. &nbsp;Great design happens when a talented person can, from the jumbled spools, recognize and compose every thread in perfect harmony, excluding none. The emotions, conflicts and purpose of the designer flow into the hearts of those who touch the tapestry without a spoken word.</p><p>A helpful way to appreciate the magic of design in your life is to recognize design's antagonist; Un-Design. In certain circles of peers, we argue "good" and "bad" design.&nbsp; The framework of these arguments is that we are talking about "design", as opposed to "un-design".&nbsp; Although we have different tastes in style, among design architects, we understand and appreciate each other's efforts even while labeling them good or bad.&nbsp; Un-design, on the other hand, is the oblivious or intentional avoidance of design in an effort to save time or money resulting in the reverse effect. &nbsp;The un-design architect is...</p> Thinking Outside The Box Designhaus Architecture 2016-02-26T10:21:15-05:00 >2016-04-04T21:04:44-04:00 <p>Switching a paint color is commonly suggested as a quick way to breath new life into a space.&nbsp;</p><p>Rather than browsing through paint chips at your local hardware store for hours, consider these alternatives:</p><p>Think texture, not just color.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Wall Tiles</strong></p><p><img src=""></p><p>Not just for your kitchen or bathroom.</p><p>Wall tiles, or rather any tile can be an interesting way to bring texture and color into a space.&nbsp;Use in a small application to serve as an art piece or apply to the whole wall for a more dramatic effect.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Wall Panels</strong></p><p><img src=""></p><p>You can put these anywhere for an instant update. The depth of the panels texture will create different shadows, instantly updating your boring living room wall, the base of your kitchen island, toy room, or basement.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Wallpaper</strong></p><p><img src=""></p><p>Wallpaper is cool again. With literally thousands of options you really cannot go wrong. Consider using on an accent wall or in the spaces of a built in bookshelf. And If you feel inclined to customize the appearance yourself, &ldquo;tear off&rdquo; wallpaper exists.</p>...