Alec Kim

Alec Kim

Ashburn Junction, VA, US

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My name is Alec Kim and I am currently attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute studying for the Bachelor’s of Architecture and am projected to graduate Spring 2025.



SWBR, Troy , Architectural Intern

Jun 2024 - current

LEO A DALY, Washington D.C, Architectural Intern

- Was part of conversion from office building to residential high end apartments from start to finish

-Final design completed by August 1 2023

- Learning how different designs are approached, how project is sold and displayed to the client, how certain rooms, amenities, facade are designed and created.

- helped do basic research from starts of projects to organizing documents at the end of projects

- supported coworkers during client meetings

- Skills learned: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Autocad

May 2023 - Dec 2023


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY, BArch, Architecture

Aug 2020 - current


Studio Honors Award, Award

Chosen as 1 of 2 students to represent that semester's studio and display what work has come out from it to the whole RPI school of architecture.


Studio Honors Award, Award

Chosen as 1 of 4 students, with my partner, to represent that semester's studio and display what work has come out from it to the whole RPI school of architecture.


Areas of Specialization 
